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Book Reviews

The Code of the Extraordinary Mind

This week’s book is The Code of the Extraordinary Mind, which contains some revolutionary ideas about thinking, perception, and creativity.

The Code of the Extraordinary Mind

“When you grow up, you tend to get told that the world is the way it is and your life is just to live your life inside the world. Try not to bash into the walls too much. Try to have a nice family life, have fun, save money. That’s a very limited life. Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact. This is – everything around you that you call life was made up by people no smarter than you. And you can change it. You can influence it… Once you learn that, you’ll never be the same again.” - Steve Jobs 

Code of the Extraordinary MindWhen it comes to quotes, nothing could sum up this recommendation better.  This week’s book is The Code of the Extraordinary Mind, which contains some incredibly revolutionary ideas.  

Anyone living in any society is absorbed and affected by it.  We are brought up with a certain sense of order, rules and a fairly well-mapped timeline of what our lives will be like. The Code of the Extraordinary Mind’s author, Vishen Lakhiani, argues that, like a computer, the human mind can be hacked, enabling us to see things in a completely different way.  Conventional norms and expectations aren’t necessarily the truth, let alone essential.  There is nothing wrong with reformulating your life so it better suits you

At Selling Energy, we champion this kind of thinking, pertaining to not only business, but also our lives beyond the workday.  It is important to acknowledge what is necessary and what isn’t, what’s working and not whether it affects our workplace or our personal lives.  With the help of a 5-level system and several modes of practice, this book will bring value to your life. I highly recommend you purchase this book and explore it. 

Here is the summary froAmazon:  

“What if everything we think we know about how the world works--our ideas of love, education, spirituality, work, happiness, and love--are based on Brules (bullsh*t rules) that get passed from generation to generation and are long past their expiration date? 

“This book teaches you to think like some of the greatest non-conformist minds of our era, to question, challenge, hack, and create new rules for YOUR life so you can define success on your own terms. 

“The Code of the Extraordinary Mind, a New York Times bestseller, is a blueprint of laws to break us free from the shackles of an ordinary life. It makes a case that everything we know about the world is shaped by conditioning and habit. And thus, most people live their lives based on limiting rules and outdated beliefs about pretty much everything--love, work, money, parenting, sex, health, and more--which they inherit and pass on from generation to generation. 

“But what if you could remove these outdated ideas and start anew? What would your life look like if you could forget the rules of the past, and redefine what happiness, purpose, and success mean for you?” 

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Mark Jewell

Mark Jewell

Mark Jewell is the President and co-founder of Selling Energy. He is a subject matter expert, coach, speaker and best-selling author focused on overcoming barriers to implementing projects. Mark teaches other professionals and organizations how to turbocharge their sales success.


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