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Imagine It to Achieve It

In my experience success is much easier to attain when you visualize it. Not only that, there are ways to do it using all five senses.

Imagine It to Achieve It

One of the best ways to achieve success is to imagine yourself achieving it. It’s one thing to say to yourself, “I’m going to close this sale.”  It’s another thing altogether to immerse all of your senses that are stimulated in the wake of a successful sale. Before you talk with a new prospect, take some time to think about what you will see, taste, hear, smell, and feel once you seal the deal. 

Imagine It to Achieve It

What does a sale look like? Perhaps it’s a cash deposit, a check, a purchase order, or an award for being a top sales producer. 

What does a sale taste like? Perhaps it’s a gourmet take-out meal at your favorite “special occasion” restaurant to celebrate your victory. 

What does a sale sound like? Perhaps it’s your boss saying, “Wow, that's the biggest sale this company has ever made. You're awesome! Fantastic job.” 

What does a sale smell like? Perhaps after the pandemic, you're going to take your husband or wife on a special vacation where you smell the ocean surf, a forest full of evergreen trees, or the freshly cut fairway at a famous golf resort.

What does a sale feel like? Perhaps it’s your sales manager emailing the entire company about your job well done. Or perhaps it’s the feel of your new customer saying, "You know what, you're the first vendor who actually understands what I do for a living. I know we're going to have a long and mutually prosperous relationship together.”

If my own experience using this technique is a reliable predictor of how well it will work for you, I can assure you that taking the time to richly imagine what your success is going to look like, taste like, sound like, smell like, and feel like will give your mind a holographic image of success. Do that, and you'll have many more successes come true than if you had not taken the time to do such an exercise. 

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Mark Jewell

Mark Jewell

Mark Jewell is the President and co-founder of Selling Energy. He is a subject matter expert, coach, speaker and best-selling author focused on overcoming barriers to implementing projects. Mark teaches other professionals and organizations how to turbocharge their sales success.


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