Today, we’ll continue with some more body language signals. If your prospect feels confident in what they are saying or thinking, they may:
Clasp their hands behind their back.
Clasp their hands in front of their body.
Touch their fingertips together.
Sit in a dominant position. Taking up a lot of space while sitting with hands clasped behind the head or ankle crossed on opposite knee often signals confidence.
Action: Avoid debate – the prospect likely knows a lot about the topic, and you don’t want to ruffle their feathers.
If your prospect feels defensive, they may:
Fold their arms.
Cross their legs.
Note: Be intelligent as you evaluate these positions to make sure that you're actually seeing a shift in body language that correlates with the topic of discussion. In some cases, people may fold their arms or cross their legs simply to get more comfortable.
Action: Try to be more flexible.
If your prospect is doubtful, they may:
Hide or cover up their mouth.
Action: Reassure the prospect.
If your prospect is anxious, they may:
Bite their fingernails.
Tap their fingers or heels.
Jiggle the contents of their pockets.
Note: Any one of these actions alone may not be a definitive sign of anxiety. Look for three or more of these symptoms before jumping to conclusions.
Action: Probe for the source of the anxiety and alleviate accordingly.