The phone call is a valuable and powerful tool, especially in sales; however, it should be used with empathy and diligence. People don’t like being interrupted by the phone. It is the equivalent of someone showing up unexpected at your front door. Modern-day etiquette is to email first and set up a time to talk. Unless you know someone specifically prefers emails or text over voicemails, honor their preference. Particularly when confirming information, it is better to over-communicate. Voicemails and texts get ignored less often than email accidentally goes to spam.
Here are some things to keep in mind:
1. Be aware of time zones.
2. Get to know your prospect’s schedule... Are Fridays better than Mondays? Early in the day or later? Perhaps during their long commute to or from work?
3. Assume you are calling a cell phone, unless you know for certain that it is an office line, which means don’t call too early or too late. And since so many folks are now working from home, you can be almost positive that your prospect or customer is going to be fielding your call on their smartphone rather than the office landline.
4. When you call, assume you will get voicemail and be prepared with a concise message. If so:
* Keep it short, sweet, and to the point.
* If you have to convey details, do so in an email and let them know that you will follow up with details via email.
* Make sure your voicemail has an action statement. If it is to call you back, great. If it is something else, say it. No need to play phone tag to get someone to email you a single data point.
* When leaving your name and number, imagine someone on the other end of the line writing it down. Speak clearly and slowly and repeat it.
* Leave your number at the beginning and at the end of the voicemail. If they have to replay the message to catch your number, they’ll be thankful to retrieve it in the first few seconds of the replay.